Global Journey 2008 Sweden - Bangladesh

It´s hard to know where to start. These last 3 weeks have really put deep marks in the heart. Memories to carry in heart, friends that hopefully will be friends forever and in future meet again. So what about Bangladesh? The land of contrast, well we started our trip with a long flight from Umeå in the north of sweden, to Stockholm and then we flow for about 6 hours to Doa in Qatar. There we hangaround for a couple of hours before another plane took us further to the capital of Bangladesh - Dakha approximately 5 hours.
Bosse Baj stood there waiting for us with a great smile and after an hour in coustom we managed to enter a hole new world - Bangladesh. We went by minibus to Proshika 

 (Proshika Koyta)

We stayed there for 2 days and there we met, which we didn´t know then, two of the persons whom should be the most important for the whole trip, two fantastic persons that made a lot for us and after a couple of days it felt like we had known eachothers for many years, our interpreters Smrity and Arnob.

(visiting primaryschool in the village) 

After thoose days we went out in differnt villages to stay with families on their farm. There we met some great people and we really learned alot. We spend the next 10 days in the village.
(where I spend 9 nights)  (walk by the river)                         (teahouse where we often sat talking drinking Bangla Cha)

Then we had a day in Proshika again because of the Ead Festival, where our interpreters went to their home for celebrating. The day after we went 25 miles up in the country to a place called Tannapara where we had a really great time. Walking in moonlight, listening to frogs, spending time on the river Gangnes and so on. Lot of fun, lots of meeting with different people. Lots of magic moment. Here comes some pictures from diffrent places in Bangladesh. River Ganges, Statue monument, Smrity, Arnob, Lollo and a great sunset!!!!!

(Doing Henna and last night out running. Swedish Embassy and my myself and I at the airport. )

On the third day we had to return to Proshika Koyta where we spent two days of eveluate and spending time with the rest of the Swedish group. We had two great days with a lot of work, visiting swedish embassy and some other meetings, Linda from HM etc etc.

Of course everything always have to end. With a lot of tears it was time to seperate and for us to go back to sweden and for our interpreters to go back to their families. It´s strange that you can get so close to other people in only a couple of days when you are placed in a special situation.

This is a short english summary  and there will be more, but in swedish because I´m a terrible english writer.

But at least. Thanks to the man, the myth, the legend who made this trip possible for all of us. Mr Bosse Kramsjö.

Mange/Vi lever alla våra egna liv.

Postat av: Andrietta

Åh...jag vill läsa mer och se mer. Bjud oss! Så grymt häftigt! Och vilka bilder! Bara sånt man ser på tv. Mer mer mer....

Postat av: Eva

Har du en Sikeå Oh-tröja?? avis

2008-12-16 @ 20:02:02
Postat av: Lollo

Som om jag hade skrivit det själv. Vill läsa mer... Kul att du skriver på engelska.

2008-12-17 @ 19:33:20
Postat av: Malin V

Åååååhhhhhh, va härligt ni haft det!!!

Visst är det otroligt vad människor och platser kan få rum i ens hjärta.

2008-12-20 @ 13:12:00

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